Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Snippet of the Day

Snippet of the Day

“Speaking of chicks?” Sean grinned, turning on the stereo. Soundgarden blared through the speakers.
“Leave it alone, Sean,” Zane said through gritted teeth. He walked in the back, knowing Sean was going to ask about Meg again. He turned around and walked back out. Sean was laying out his equipment for his first appointment. Zane tossed his offer right out into the arena like an impulsive pass, needing to see how eager the receiver was.
“Hey.” Zane raised his hands. “If you want to take Meg for a spin, by all means.” His proposal had him stuttering. Sean set his color  tubes aside, wiping his hands on a towel. Sean closed the distance between them. Zane suddenly felt tired and trapped.
“What’s your deal, man?” Sean cocked his head, waiting. “Is there something there that’s not to your liking?”
“Ah, no, that’s not it.” Zane looked away, relieved that Sean’s first appointment was outside putting coins in the meter. Zane couldn’t tell him he'd had the pleasure of having Meg twice and it was beyond hot. If Sean knew that, he’d never leave him alone.
“She’s gorgeous, Zane. That wild hair and those intense green eyes.” Sean whistled. “And such a lithe body.” His breaths echoed off the walls. “In fact”—Sean rubbed his chin—“I thought I saw her eyes amongst some of these drawings of yours.” He chuckled, pointing to the counter littered with his designs.
“Well, aren’t you perceptive.” Zane’s tone was sharp. “Looks like your appointment is here.” Zane jerked his head toward the front door.
“Lucky for you,” Sean grumbled.

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