Monday, November 11, 2013

Snippet of the Day

Snippet of the Day

Frustrated he’d tripped the lights, Drake quickly darted into the woods, stopping as soon as the trees enveloped him. He could see her. Kelly was on her feet, on full alert. He felt her stare. It burned through him, making his head spin with questions. He knew nothing about her, yet needed to see her again, stand close to her and really look at her. The faint, twinkling light of her fire had disappeared, like flipping off a light switch. Does she live here? All thoughts of Nina storming out of his condo were forgotten like a bad dream.
Drake bit down on his lower lip. Unease prickled through him. Dealing with Kelly wouldn’t be the same as the other women he’d been surrounded with. He was a businessman, fully capable of selling. Drake latched onto that idea, confident that he’d be able to make the modifications that were needed with this type of pitch.
Her lovely image took shape as he moved through the foliage. Kelly was tiny, bundled up in a fleece pullover. Her hair was pulled back again, her face hidden by shadows. He took a few more cautious steps before her voice echoed through the trees, her tone assertive.
“What do you want?”
Drake noted the hint of hysteria in her voice that she tried to bury. He didn’t want to scare her. He stopped and answered her back.
“I’m here to see you, not hurt you. I’d like for us to have coffee. I also have a pint of brandy and a few cookies. Is it safe to approach?” Drake added a trace of sarcasm, hoping to win her over. It never worked with Nina, but this woman was of a different breed, a breed Drake wanted to experience more of.  
His insides cooled as he sucked more oxygen into his flaming body. The draw was maddening. What the hell was it? He continued to move toward her. Words resounded through the air as the outline of her shadow became sharper. Drake stopped, standing within three feet of her.
“You don’t owe me anything.” Her tone was jarring, but Drake pressed on.
“Who said anything about owing?” Drake answered. He could see her shifting her feet, her body language restless and confused.
“Thank you for the hamburger, by the way,” her voice softer.
“You’re welcome, Kelly. Now, this coffee’s getting cold,” Drake said, hungering for her consent after speaking her name.
“Okay,” her reply huffed. Drake smiled, happy with himself. She turned her back as he followed her, excited to be visiting her as well as her campsite.
A tent came into view. Smoke from the residual fire hung in the air. The woodsy burn tickled his nasal passages. Drake waited, their smoky breaths filling the silence. She faced him. Her eyes were skittish. She licked her lips, making his stomach flutter. Drake spoke, choosing his words carefully. He handed her one of the coffee cups.
“I’m sorry I made you put out your fire,” he said. Her hand reached for the coffee, quickly recoiling back into her own space after grabbing the cup. “Whdon’t you let me restart it for you,” Drake offered.
“Sure,” Kelly said, stepping back and waving him toward the woodpile. “Um...” her voice wavered. “Your name, I’m sorry, I forget.

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