Monday, November 18, 2013

Snippet of the Day

Snippet of the Day

“Is the dinner cooked already?” Ella asked. An unexpected calm trickled over her skin like warm, dripping water.
“Yeah, I got it right here.” Jayden chuckled. He bent down and pulled out a foil-wrapped package.
“How’d you know that I would say yes?” She leaned on the table, cupping her chin in her palm.
“I didn’t. It’s all about positive energy. A little faith, too,” he told her, his eyes gleaming. Ella shook her head, laughing.
“That okay?” Jayden prepared her plate and slid it in front of her. Ella glanced down at the perfectly grilled burger nestled in a floury bun. One pickle and a small pile of fries filled the remaining space on the plate.
“Sure, yes.” She laughed. Jayden set a pitcher of iced tea down on the table and edged a glass toward her.
“So where’s your roommate?” Ella asked, pouring her drink.
“Work. He works in the ER. Brian’s a phlebotomist.” Jayden bit into his burger. “He’s usually sleeping at this time, but he must be putting in some extra hours. He works nights.” 
“Wow, you fellas have some interesting jobs.” Ella took a bite of her burger, the juices warm and salty. She took a sip of her iced tea, seeking a sideward glance.
Jayden had great features. He had a high forehead, but the way his hair fell right above his eyes was very alluring. He had a youthful masculinity. He was slim in the hips and had long legs. Ella already noticed that his torso was toned and muscled, having caught a glimpse underneath his hoodie. She found her thoughts drifting to whether he had any more tattoos that she couldn’t see.
She’d taken too long of a visual stroll. Jayden’s eyes caught hers. He smiled, his teeth slightly overlapping but just adding to his character. Warmth rose from her pores.
“Everything okay?” He set his burger down.
“This is delicious, thank you.” Ella toyed with the edge of the tweed placemat. Their kitchen, dining area, and living room sort of all flowed together. Brown wicker rockers and a large orange sectional the color of a cantaloupe dominated the space in front of a flat screen. Stereo components were shelved above. There were milk crates of beach equipment, sports gear, and a fishing rod leaning against the wall in the corner.
“Has the color of the couch blinded you yet?” Jayden asked, laughing.
“It is bright, but it fits.” Ella glanced at the colorful piece.
“Leave it to Brian to find the weirdest thing at IKEA.” Jayden shook his head.
“You fish?” Ella asked.
“Nah, Brian’s the fisherman. I play Frisbee and run the dogs. I probably sleep too much, but I can’t say I’m religiously into that many hobbies,” he confessed.
“Well, my only one is photography,” Ella admitted.
“You like art? Well, photography is a form of art, but do you like paintings?” Jayden removed their plates.
“I do. I think photographers and artists inspire one another.” Her eyes tracked him around the small kitchen as he rinsed off their dishes and set them in the dishwasher. The browned flesh of Jayden’s chest peeked out from beneath his hoodie, feeding her eyes again as he bent down to tie up the garbage.
“I think you’re right about that. I’ve got some great paintings upstairs if you’d like to see them.” His smile was subtle. He raised a hand. “A girl I used to hang out with is an artist. She did some great  murals on my wall, so it’s not like I can remove them and bring them down.” His explanation was hurried.
Ella smiled, understanding his explanation. Jayden didn’t want her thinking he was luring her into his bedroom.
“I’d love to see them.” Ella stood.
Jayden closed the area between them. “I just don’t want you to misunderstand me. Some women have.” His laughter was strained.
“So far I think we’re okay.” Ella nodded, reassuring him.

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