Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Snippet of the Day

Snippet of the Day 

Keith placed his hand on his shoulder, tearing him out of his naughty thoughts. “I’m gonna take off, that okay with you?” Keith asked, fussing with his tie.
“Go,” Drake said, lifting a shoulder. “I’m not far behind you. I’ve had about enough.”
Keith gave him a pat on the back and slipped through the French doors. Drake sat down at the bar, watching the suits and skirts mingle. Tokens for Tots was an annual charity Drake ran from the end of October until the New Year. They supplied families in need with medical and dental care as well as other support services so children wouldn’t have to go through the holiday season with no turkey, trimmings, or gifts under the tree.
He was thankful that the Cypress Hill Convention Center allowed him to use the space each year to promote the event. The holidays would be upon them before they knew it. It helped to plant the seeds of giving early before everyone exhausted their holiday budgets.
Drake downed the last drink he would have. It was time to tend to other things he had on his list for this evening. He’d networked and socialized. Now it was his time to enjoy Kelly before she insisted he drop her off in those dismal woods. That was his next focal point, convincing her to pack up her tent and make camp with him.
A hand on his arm sucked him back into the glitzy, crystallized ballroom. Colleen’s eyes pierced his.
“I love her! Absolutely love her.” Her hands cut through the air, enunciating every syllable of her speech. Her fingers tightened around him. “If you let this one go I’ll kick your butt, Drake Larson, and don’t think you’ll be able to fire me for it,” she told him, grinning.
“Thanks, Colleen.” A rush of heat he could no longer contain swept over him.
“See you tomorrow,” Colleen beamed.
Kelly had freed herself from the cluster of women, making her way across the ballroom.
“Downboy,” Drake whispered to himself. 
The slinky dress clung to her shapely figure, sliding over her skin as she walked. The long slit that ran up her thigh provided him with a strip of flesh that looked as sweet as dripping honey. Her hazel eyes flicked to his, a peculiar smile curving her mocha-painted lips. Her sweet scent settled under his nose. Drake breathed in her fragrance. He was starved. He needed to be fed, and now.
“You have very nice employees,” Kelly said softly, straightening his tie.
It didn’t take long for you to form a fan club,” Drake said, his observation mocking. “I take it you’ve survived this gig?”
Kelly nodded.
“I did,” she admitted, her words sounding surprised. Drake slipped his hand around her waist. He leaned into her.
“It’s time to devote a little attention to your biggest fan,” Drake murmured, licking the shell of her ear. Her body trembled into his, making him all the more excited.

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