Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Keep Climbing

Keep Climbing

You hit the bump in the road,
And it feels like there’s no way to go,
You struggle to make a move,
You struggle to make haste,
Only to realize it doesn’t matter how fast the pace,
You can walk,
You can run,
All you gotta do is climb,
Climb till you touch the sky,
Climb till you feel you can fly,
It’s possible to go,
It’s possible to move,
Continue till you find your groove,
It’s always there,
It’s always by your side,
No matter how much time passes by,
Get moving,
Get going,
Get climbing,
And there you’ll meet your mountain top,
With nowhere to go but up

By Molly Cerrigone 



Hard to do, 
But not impossible,
All you gotta say is ‘I’m, possible,
The breaks are there,
But can be repaired,
Even after plunging into despair,
You can do it,
Your dreams are still there,
No matter how high you need to go,
Or the bumps you expect to take,’
You can do it all,
Just remember, 
It’s always possible,
Possible to be,
Possible to say,
Possible to do 
Possible to just be you

 By Molly Cerrigone 

Hear Me Roar

Hear Me Roar

Blood pounding in my head,
Feeling ready to head around the next bend,
Ready to let myself be known,
Ready to let myself be heard,
Time to scream and shout,
I’m not out for the count,
I’m here to stand, 
I’m here to shout,
That I’m not going down,
My voice is not an act,
And I’m gonna show you that,
I’m not helpless,
I’m not dumb,
I’m here to show I’ve won,
I am capable,
I am in control,
Now listen up and hear me roar.

By Molly Cerrigone 

My Guest of the Day!

 Please welcome my guest of the day, my Niece,  Molly Cerrigone.

Curse The Darkness, Free The Light

A tiny spark ignites,

Allowing the room to be bright,

Dark tries to creep in,

Only to slink away at the newfound light,

It brings back sight,

It brings back hope.

That wonder is there,

That wonder is near,

It lives,

It thrives,

Deep inside,

Letting you become alive,

Brightness is still there,

Darkness goes,

Fleeing away,

Into a shade,

Lurking around,

Waiting to come out,

Only if you alow it,

Your world can be bright,

Everything will be alright,

Be aware,

Don’t give into despair,

Hope it there,

Hope is near,

To be there for you in time of need,

Until you are ready to succeed,

Free the light,

End the darkness,

And soon you’ll be free,

Free to live,

Free to be alive,

Free to be who you are inside.